Excel Printing

Excel Printing... or how to print the Excel spreadsheet?
In order to print, Microsoft Excel requires that a printer driver has been installed that matches the printer you are currently attached to your computer.
If you are sure on that, then ON the printer and load some plain papers to the printer tray.
Then, follow the step-by-step instructions below to print.

Excel Printing - Page Settings

The options that can change here includes the paper orientation, set the page scale and size, and print quality.

To change Page Setup options

  • From the File menu, click Page Setup.
  • From the Page Setup dialog box displayed, click on the Page tab.

To set the printing paper orientation

  • In the Orientation section, select Portrait or Landscape by clicking the option button.

To set the scale of the page

  • In the Scaling section, choose the Adjust to: option button and enter a percentage to scale (in conjunction with normal size) in the Adjust to spin box.
  • Choose the Fit to: option and enter the dimensions of the pages in the wide and tall spin boxes.

To set other printing options

Paper size
In the Paper size: drop-down list box, select the size you require.
Print quality
In the Print quality: drop-down list box, choose the quality you require (higher dpi – better quality).
Page numbering
To begin page numbering with a different number, select the First page number: text box and enter the number you want to use.

Excel Printing - Margins Settings

Proper Microsoft Excel printing that involves margins is to set the top, bottom, left and right margins of the page. You also can choose to center the data of a page.

To change the page margins

  • From the Page Setup dialog box displayed, select the Margins tab.

  • Click on the Top, Bottom, Left, or Right margin spin box to change the settings.
  • To change header and footer margins, click on the Header: or Footer: spin box.
  • Click OK.Note: At the bottom Center on page section, you can choose Horizontally or Vertically to reflect the best position of your data in a page.

Excel Printing - Header/Footer Settings

Proper settings of page header and footer are important as it will affect the overall look of a page in Excel printing.

To change headers and footers

  • From the Page Setup dialog box displayed, select the Header/Footer tab.
  • Click on the down arrow to the right of the Header: list box to reveal a list of available headers. Click on the header required to select it.
  • Click on the Custom Header or Custom Footer button to display the Header (or Footer) dialog box.

  • In the Left section: box, enter any data you want to appear at the left margin of the header or footer.
  • In the Center section: box, enter any data you want to appear at the center of the header or footer.
  • In the Right section: box, enter any data you want to appear at the right margin of the header or footer.
  • You also offered the following options:

Format font
Click this button after highlighting the text to change the font, size, and style.
Page number
Insert the page number of each page.
Number of pages
Use this feature along with the page number to create strings such as "page 1 of 15".
Add the current date.
Add the current time.
File path
Add the file path name (location of the file)
File name
Add the name of the workbook file.
Tab name
Add the name of the worksheet’s tab.
Insert picture
Bring up insert picture window and you can choose a location to insert picture.
Format picture
Format the inserted picture.

  • When you have finished, click on OK.
  • Your new header (or footer) will be displayed in the Page Setup dialog box in the Header or Footer list box.
  • Click OK to close the Page Setup dialog box.

Excel Printing - Sheet Settings

In Excel printing, sheet settings is very important as it will control what and where to print of a page. So make sure you follow the steps here closely.

To change sheet options

  • From the File menu, click Page Setup.
  • From the Page Setup dialog box displayed, select the Sheet tab.

  • Make changes to any of the following:

Print area
Enter the worksheet range you want to print, or click on the icon in the right of the text box and drag through the worksheet areas you wish to print.
Rows to repeat at top
Click on the icon in the right of the text box and drag over the rows you wish to repeat at the top of the page. It enables you to print the selected top row appear on every printing sheet.
Columns to repeat at left
Click on the icon in the right of the text box and drag over the columns you wish to repeat at the left of the page. It enables you to print the selected left columns appear on every printing sheet.
Elements that will print
Tick on the element you wish to print, i.e. Gridlines, Black and White, Draft Quality, Row and Column Headings (see below).
Page order
Select Down, then over, or Over, then down. You only can see the effect if you have data across a sheet that cannot fit into one printing page.

  • More on printing elements (when you tick on the following option):

Will print the Excel gridlines.
Black and white
Will print the data in blank and white without color.
Draft quality
The printing will be in draft quality, not the normal quality.
Row and column headings
Will print the worksheet including the row and column headings.

  • In the right hand side, there are three buttons:

Do necessary adjustment with the printer settings.
Print Preview
Preview your worksheet before printing.
Print the worksheet.

To change the Excel printing settings

  • From the File menu, click Print.
  • From the Print dialog box displayed, do the necessary changes as follow:

  • From the Printer section, the Name: list box, choose the printer you wish to use.
  • In the Page range section, select whether you want to print All pages in a range, or enter the starting and ending page numbers in the From: and To: spin boxes.
  • Select what you want to print in the Print what section, i.e. Selection, Active sheet(s), or Entire workbook.
  • Specify the number of copies you want to print in the Number of copies: spin box.
  • Click the Properties button to display the Properties dialog box for the printer.
  • Change the options required. The options will vary depending on what type of printer you have.
  • Click OK to close the printer properties dialog box.
  • Click OK again to start printing the worksheet

Note: Before hit the OK button, ensure that you have put the plain papers to the printer tray.


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